Men: Add Broccoli and Tomatoes to Your Diet
Foods such as tomatoes and broccoli are generally healthy for anyone to add to their diet, but for men especially these foods can be part of a good regiment of healthy eating and exercise in the prevention of prostate cancer. In the continued fight to prevent and treat all types of cancers, new findings are continuously published regarding the potential benefits of certain foods and healthy diets. Two foods that have been shown to have a specific impact on the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer are tomatoes and broccoli. Lycopene and sulforaphane, the two active ingredients found in these two foods respectively, could have a considerable impact on men and prostate cancer.
Lycopene, the red pigment found in foods such as tomatoes and watermelon, has long been promoted as an antioxidant. Studies have shown that men can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by consuming a variety of red fruits and vegetables. Further, some research indicates that men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer can slow the development of existing prostate cancer cells by increasing their lycopene intake. However, the reported benefits of lycopene as a prostate cancer-fighting agent seem to vary greatly.
Another cancer super food often discussed is broccoli. Sulforaphane is broccoli’s active nutrient shown to have prostate cancer fighting properties. One study, originating from Oregon State University issued indicated that among African American men, sulforaphane can destroy prostate cancer tumors while leaving normal cells healthy. There has even been research focused on the added benefits of combining tomatoes and broccoli to reduce the size of prostate cancer tumors.
Healthy Diet and Exercise for Cancer Prevention
We may not know all there is to know about the prostate cancer-fighting benefits of foods like tomatoes and broccoli, but it is encouraging to hear that men are continually being reminded of the role that fruits and vegetables play in their wellbeing. Exercise and a healthy diet are the easiest first steps for men to take. The exercise component is important to note as well, as obesity can be a significant factor in prostate cancer risk and can pose issues during prostate cancer surgery.
There’s no denying that diets rich in healthy foods enhance our overall strength and wellness, but it is important to note that no one food or lifestyle change will do it all. The important thing is for men to realize that they do have control over their prostate health. In addition to diet and exercise, early PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) screening is also imperative. Men over age 50 should have annual prostate cancer screenings and high-risk men (shown to be African American men or those with genetic predispositions) should do so beginning at age 40. Prevention is critical to the elimination of prostate cancer overall.