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8 foods that may help with erectile dysfunction

1.     Nuts. Walnuts have lots of arginine, an amino acid your body uses to make nitric oxide. They are also good sources of vitamin E, folic acid and fiber. Be conscious of how many you eat though as nuts are high in calories.

2.     Fish. Salmon and other fatty fish are great sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which may boost nitric oxide in your body. They lower your blood pressure and your risk for heart attack and blood clots. Aim to eat about 8 ounces of salmon a week.

3.     Coffee. While coffee is a great for a boost of energy in the morning, it may increase your libido. One study shows that men who drank two or three cups of caffeine a day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction. This is because caffeine helps boost blood flow. If you’re not a coffee drinker, try tea, soda, or a sports drinks which also have caffeine.

4.     Oysters. Oysters are a shellfish that may boost your testosterone levels. This can also help boost your sex drive. They are also packed with zinc, an essential nutrient the body needs.

5.     Garlic. Garlic may help keep your arteries healthy and clear as you get older. This helps maintain good blood flow which is important for erectile function.

6.     Greens. Leafy greens such as kale are a great for increase nitric-oxide in the body. They are also great for increasing your libido. Leafy greens have many health benefits as they are packed with vitamins, minerals and omega-3s.

7.     Dark Chocolate. An ounce of dark chocolate a few times a week can be good for your heart. What’s good for your heart could be good for your erections too. Chocolate is rich in flavanols, nutrients that can increase blood flow and lower blood pressure. It also helps your body make more of nitric oxide, which can help with erections and is in many ED medications.

8.     Watermelon. Watermelon has a compound that can have similar effects on your blood vessels as your erectile dysfunction medications. A bonus – research claims it may even boost your libido. Watermelon is mainly composed of water, while the rest is made up of lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that’s great for your heart, prostate, and skin.