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12 ways men can chase away stress

12 ways men can chase away stress

Stress is a bummer.  It affects all of us and usually not in a good way.  A man’s health often hinges on how much stress he is experiencing at any one time.  If stress for a man is continually coming to a boiling point, it can have a pronounced negative affect on his health. 

In our fast-paced, modern age of technology and keeping up with day-to-day responsibilities, men will feel the tension and strain that may lead to chronic health conditions – heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and a weakened immune system.

Other ways short-term ways stress can adversely affect men is by causing heightened anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and depression.  Stress has also been known to increase the incidence of men seeking unhealthy habits of drinking too much, smoking, overeating, or using illegal drugs to deal with the intensity of life.

The body’s response to stress

In caveman days when wild animals would chase a man who was trying seeking food for his family, stress triggered the fight-or-flight response prompting certain physical changes within his body to get him out of a tough situation.  A man’s body today, when under stress, will still resort to that same response except that we no longer are running from wild animals – now the stress may be the form of meeting a deadline or worries over financial concerns.  This physical response results in:

·      Increased heart rate sending more blood to the brain to improve quick thinking

·      More blood flowing to large muscles of the legs and arms providing strength and speed

·      Increase in blood sugar providing quick energy

·      In case of a wound or injury, blood will clot more quickly to prevent blood loss

These responses are great when under pressure of needing to fight or flee, but not necessarily when simply needing to learn to relax and reduce worry and anxiety.

Ways to reduce stress

The next time a man feels the constraint of stress bearing down on him here are some simple ways to reduce its toxic effect:

1.  Eat a healthy diet.  Consume more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains while  cutting back on refined, processed foods and resorting to overeating junk that puts on the pounds.

2.  Exercise regularly.  There is nothing quite like exercise to burn off pent-up energy, tension and anxiety to reduce stress levels.

3.  Get adequate sleep. Have a regular bedtime avoiding caffeine and alcohol several hours before turning in that can interrupt sleep by promoting anxiety and sleeplessness.

4.  Avoid stressful situation.  This is easier said than done but is very effective if utilized.  For example, if a man becomes unglued during rush hour, avoid it by driving a different route.  Can’t stand certain people who stress you?  Avoid them as much as possible. 

5.  Figure out the cause of stress. Most men like to figure out a solution to problems so when he deals with whatever the root cause of creating tension is, he is usually successful at it.

6.  Meditate.  Many men may not consider it the manly thing to do but meditation can be quite effective.   Just the simple act of closing his eyes in quiet contemplation for 5-10 minutes can bring about peace and a clearing of the mind.

7.  Avoid taking on too many tasks. Over-scheduling, always saying “yes” to others no matter what, can take its toll.  Avoid overpromising and allow time to complete what you start before accepting anything else.

8.  Learn to tackle first things first. Men are usually very good at this but sometimes if there are too many tasks to tackle, it can be stressful.  Start with the most important task and then move on to less critical tasks that can wait.

9.  Take time off for some fun.  Everyone needs a break from the same routine and what better way to burn off steam than by doing something fun.  When we have fun, it calms us down leading to feelings of relaxation, spontaneity, and a sense of well-being.

10.  Listen to music.  Specific kinds of music can have measurable stress-reducing effects for many people.  The so-called “Mozart effect” can make you feel more centered, and reduces anxiety, depression, and stress-inducing cortisol levels.

11.  Laugh a little – or a lot.  A good belly laugh can have some pretty impressive short-term effects – it stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles (by enhancing your intake of oxygen-rich air) and increases endorphins released by the brain.  A bout of laugher also fires up your stress response by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, before cooling back down, promoting a relaxed feeling. Having a good sense of humor can also improve immune function, relieve pain, improve mood, and reduce anxiety and depression. 

12.  Learn to see the big picture of life.  No one get through life without having ups and downs – no one.  When we sit back and reflect on what it is stressing us out asking ourselves, “How can I see this situation in a different way,” it can help to remind us that life has ebbs and flows and there is always someone out there who has it much worse.  Better times will return and getting through tough times only makes us stronger in the long run.