10 testicular cancer symptoms men shouldn’t ignore
10 testicular cancer symptoms men shouldn’t ignore
One of the best weapons against cancer is awareness of the disease. Testicular cancer is one such disease all men – especially young men - should know the symptoms possibly signaling it. The exact number of men who’ve had testicular cancer – it only represents 1.2% of all cancers in men – may not be known but this potentially deadly disease accounts for 11-13% of all cancer deaths of men between the ages of 15-35. The testicles have the function of producing sperm and male sex hormones of which testosterone is best-known. Testosterone is what controls the development of the reproductive organs, and other male characteristics.
Even though found primarily in younger men, there are two peak age frames in which testicular cancer tends to occur. The first occurs before the age of 45 in which 90% of all testicular cancer is diagnosed and the second occurs at a much smaller peak affecting men over the age of 50.
Key to discovering and diagnosing testicular cancer is recognizing the signs and symptoms of this disease. The earlier it is caught and treated, the far greater a man’s chance of a full recovery.
One of the earliest signs of testicular cancer is most commonly a painless, small, pea-sized lump on the testes. But there are other signs that could be indicating a problem which men need to know. These signs and symptoms can include the following:
1. A lump in or on a testicle
2. Any enlargement or swelling of a testicle and/or scrotum
3. Shrinking in size of a testicle
4. A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum or scrotal heaviness
5. A dull ache in the lower abdomen or in the groin area
6. A collection of fluid in the scrotum
7. Discomfort or pain in a testicle or in the scrotum
8. Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts
9. Lower back pain
10. Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes or masses due to disease spread
Just like women need to perform monthly self-breast exams checking for changes in breast tissue, men need to feel their testicles for any abnormalities conducting a simple, three-minute examination once a month. This helps him to know what feels normal and to recognize if there is anything that feels different or not right. The ideal time to perform this exam is after a warm shower when the scrotal skin is most relaxed.
In most cases, the outcome for men with testicular cancer is very good – 95% chance of survival. It is often a man himself who discovers a testicular lump because he performed self-examination. Sometimes, it might be discovered by a doctor during a routine physical exam. Any man who notices anything unusual about their testicles should see a doctor as soon as possible to get it diagnosed and treated. This will be his best opportunity in catching it at the earliest stage possible greatly increasing his chance for a full recovery.