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The Ten Most Common Pre-Existing Health Conditions You May Have to  Deal With

There are a lot of reasons why you need to pay attention to your pre-existing health conditions. One of course is when it comes to your medical coverage. Most importantly is what kind of effect this condition is currently having on your health. Then you also need to consider how this health condition will affect you in the future. Finally, you also need to know what are the best steps you can take to deal with it in the most effective manner.

There are a lot of pre-existing health conditions but some are more common than others, plus some are easier to deal with and are less invasive on your daily life. 

The short list for the most common pre-existing conditions are....


This is most prominent in the teen years, but for anyone acne can be a potentially serious condition and one that cannot be ignored. It can also be carried through into adulthood, or occur at this time of life.


Anxiety has no respect for age or gender. In fact, there can be a link that occurs betweenthe physical health of a male teenager and their mental health as an adult.


This condition in itself creates enough problems, but it is the additional problems that diabetes can create that cause more concerns.


Common in both children and adults and either gender, asthma is a pre-existing condition that can be life threatening. It is also one that can benefit from a individual being pro-active with dealing with their condition.

Sleep Apnea:

This can be a scary condition because it is one where its effects become present during sleep, and one that many people are not aware of. It's after effects can be felt during the day, and sleep apnea can lead to additional problems.


Depression not affects the metal status of a person that is suffering with it, but can also affect them in many different physical ways.


Individuals who suffer with COPD may not as yet been properly diagnosed. Many suffer with a cough that is chronic in nature, without realizing that this could be a symptom of this common pre-existing condition.


Obesity is a common problem of many but in some cases it can become extreme. As dangerous as this is there are many that are dealing with it where it has dramatically affected their lifestyle and is classed as a pre-existing condition.


Coronary heart disease is no stranger to a lot of people. Being properly diagnosed as early as possible is one of the most major steps that can be taken to handle this life threatening health problem.


When it comes to cancer and pre-existing conditions it takes in the whole range of different types of cancer. This includes prostate cancer. Early diagnosis of this type of cancer as well as all of the others is paramount when it comes to successfully treating it.

None of these common pre-existing health conditions should be taken lightly. Those suffering with these conditions can be pro-active in their health care.