Surprising health benefits of somebody to love
Surprising health benefits of somebody to love
As the band Queen so eloquently put it, “Can anybody find me somebody to love,” it’s no wonder the song was a classic hit. Each of us yearn for love and when “love is in the air,” everything just seems a little more special, more vibrant and more alive. These feelings also extend into affecting our health. Ask anyone what does love mean, and you will get a potpourri of answers. However you may describe it, love is a powerful antidote. So powerful, it may just the right remedy for keeping us feeling positive, happy and healthier.
Here are some ways a loving feeling, whether in a brand new relationship or a long-standing marriage, can offer health benefits in more ways than you realize:
1. Love creates positive feelings
When you feel or show love, it rewards us with positive feelings and emotions. Those strong feelings of love are known to help us fight off stress and pain providing us with the power to heal faster both physically and mentally. Any sort of loving act you show another reduces negative emotions that can unfavorably affect our immune, endocrine and cardiovascular function.
2. Love strengthens family ties
Love begins in the home and if there is a mother who shows and expresses her love of family, it can work wonders even in the direst of situations. A 2011 study published in Time magazine showed that one factor protecting poor children from later illness was a nurturing mother who exposed them to what a loving relationship is all about. Chronic stress can have an impact on long-term health. But when a mother and father expose love to their children, it has a dynamic positive influence on their mental and physical health well into the future.
3. Love extends life and fights disease
When faced with a life-threatening or chronic disease, love can sometimes make all the difference. Having strong family relationships and knowing how much people love and support you, can help people recover quicker or completely from a serious illness.
4. Love helps provide better sleep
When you snuggle up to your loved one in bed your body and wellbeing are feeling more relaxed meaning a better night’s sleep. Those loving feelings are the result of the feel-good hormone oxytocin. When we are adequately rested, this improves heart health and a stronger immune function as much of the reparative work of the body is done during sleep.
5. Love results in fewer doctor’s visits
A report from several studies on marriage and health found that married people have fewer doctor’s visits and shorter average hospital stays. It is not quite understood the reason for this but the best logic seems to be as humans, we are meant to live in closely knit social groups. Having a spouse or close relationship with another can motivate us to eat better, exercise more and these good habits can translate to fewer illnesses.
6. Love can mean less anxiety
Anxiety-ridden relationships often common in new romances can stabilize once the connection is more permanent. A study at the State University of New York at Stony Brook used MRI scans to look at the brains of people in love, comparing passionate new couples with strongly connected long-term couples. Found that that in long-term relationships, there is activation in the areas associated with bonding but with less activation in the area that produces anxiety.
7. Love results in faster healing
The power of a positive relationship may make flesh wounds heal faster, according to researchers at Ohio State University Medical Center. Married couples were found to have wounds heal nearly twice as fast in spouses who interacted warmly compared with those who demonstrated a lot of hostility toward each other.
To boost that healthy, loving feeling, here are some ways to bring more love into your life:
· Start by showing more love to others. Be generous with your time, money, and attitude that can bring more happiness and joy into other people’s lives. All of us should practice at least one random act of kindness each day.
· Give out more hugs and handshakes. A pat on the back or brief touch can instantly improve mood, lower stress levels and make you feel more at ease.
· Learn to love life – we only go through it once. Show joy by dancing, laughing, or singing. Appreciate and enjoy the moments that bring you pure happiness and respond with love.
· Have a more playful approach when around those you love. Always make time for your loved ones no matter how busy you are.
· Last but not least, learn to love yourself. Be kind to yourself, treating you like you would someone you are in love with. Remember, in order to love others, we must first love ourselves.