Simple Principles For A Comfortable Sleep
Thirty percent of people are affected by sleep disorders. Snoring, insomnia, sleep apnea are the most important disorders which causes daytime fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, and violence. Sleep disorder not only causes fatigue and sleepiness during the day, but also is the major cause of diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, memory loss and forgetfulness and reduces people's learning ability.
Generally there are 80 types of sleep disorders which insomnia, snoring, and sleep apnea are the most common ones. 25 to 30 % of men are affected by sleep disorder and the disorder is more common in obese men over 40 years.
Adults typically need eight hours of sleep and in general seven to nine hours of sleep at night is normal. If it is less or more than this amount, it can be considered sleep disorder.
Babies need 16 hours sleep a day. The need for sleep decreases with age until the age of six it reaches to eight hours a day and it increases during physical or intellectual activity. Students try to stay awake at exam nights, which makes them go through a lot of pathologic processes and eventually learn less. Generally, those who stay awake at exam nights, get a lower score.
Get ready for sleep
Sleep hygiene has a basic procedure. One must get ready for sleep before bedtime, which means stop to drink tea, soft drinks, coffee, and other simulants and avoid hard physical and mental activities. ‌Bedroom should be totally dark and quit and there should be no mobile or TV at your bedroom.
Mobile and TV are enemies of healthy sleep
The increasing use of mobile, social networking, and 24 hour TVs has altered sleeping culture and increased sleep disorders. In fact, 85 percent of people who suffer from sleep disorders are often unaware of their condition and usually those around these patients notice their sleep disorders.