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12 simple and safe ways to naturally lose weight

Type in “How to lose weight” and page after page of all sorts of weight loss articles pop up.  Some will contain valuable, scientifically-based advice that can provide the information you are looking for.  But then there are the rest – the ones providing bad advice on weight loss that is questionable at best and is not based on any actual science.

Many people  are looking for ways to naturally fit in weight loss ideas into our everyday lifestyles.  We want ideas that are uncomplicated, easy to follow, and that will not compromise our health.

Here are 12 ideas that are simple, safe, and most importantly, are effective at achieving the weight loss goal you desire.  Follow them faithfully along with consistent, regular exercise and you’ll be well on your way to weighing at a healthier body weight:

1. Add protein to your diet – Protein is king of nutrients when it comes to weight loss.  Protein slows down digestion and kicks in the all-important satiety factor keeping hunger at bay.  In fact, consuming more protein is good at making you feel fuller longer in which some studies show 400 fewer calories per day are consumed when on a high-protein diet.  Aim for about 25-30 grams of protein at each meal and always have some sort of protein food at a snack.

2. Choose whole, single ingredient foods – One of the best gifts you can give your body is to base your diet on whole, single ingredient foods.  If you primarily choose fruits, veggies (fresh, frozen or canned- all good), dairy foods, lean meat, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains, in their unprocessed state (the way Mother Nature made them), you will be eliminating the vast majority of added sugar, added fat and processed food.

Whole foods can be very satisfying making it easier to keep with a healthy calorie range.  And best of all, whole foods provide your body with all the essential nutrients it needs to function properly.

3. Avoid processed foods – The definition of a processed food is anything high in added sugars, added fats and calories.  Processed foods are what you would not find naturally in nature – think of donuts, hot dogs, a bag of chip, or soda as examples.  They are much more likely to cause addictive-like eating than unprocessed foods.  Besides, you’ll just feel so much healthier eating unprocessedinstead of processed foods. 

4. Have on hand healthy foods and snacks – If you don’t keep healthy foods an d snacks available, that makes it tough to watch your weight.  Studies have shown that the food you keep at home greatly affects weight and eating behavior

When healthy foods are available this will reduce your likelihood of temptation of eating unhealthy.  Keep on hand healthy foods such as yogurt , hard boiled eggs, fruits, veggies, nuts, or hummus so you never have an excuse for eating unhealthy.

5. Reduce intake of added sugar – The consumption of added sugar has been linked with some of the world’s leading disease including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.  The average American consumes about 15 teaspoons of added sugar each day.  Much of this added sugar is found in processed foods so you may be consuming a lot more than you realize.

Reading the ingredient lists on packaged foods can open your eyes to the various names sugar goes by.  Choose foods containing no more than 10 grams of total sugar per serving the majority of the time.

6. Drink water – Too many of us fail to drink water as our main beverage.  Yet, drinking water can actually help with weight loss.  Studies have shown that if you drink 17 ounces of water – a little over 2 cups – this may increase your calories you burn by 24-30% higher for an hour afterward. 

Drinking water before a meal may also lead to reduced calorie intake.  The best thing about choosing water to aid in weight loss is that is replaces other beverages that are high in calories and sugar. 

7.  Avoid liquid calories – Liquid calories add up quickly.  From downing sugary soft drinks, fruit drinks, sports beverages or sweetened tea, these liquid concoctions pump in calories with little to no nutritional value. Studies have shown these drinks also increase risk of weight gain.  Keep sugary beverages out of your house making it easier to reach a healthier body weight.

8. Reduce intake of refined carbohydrates – We need carbohydrates but not in the form of overly processed, refined carbohydrates.  The main dietary sources of refined carbs are white flour, white bread, white rice, soda, pastries, snacks like pretzels, sweets, pasta, sugary breakfast cereals, and foods with added sugar.  The refining process of these foods takes out much of the valuable nutrients our bodies need while loading them with unhealthy additives of too much sugar, salt, fat or all three.

9. Use smaller plates – Believe it or not, eating off of a 9-inch diameter plate compared to the normal 12-inch size plate many of us use, does make a difference in how much we eat.  Some studies have shown that using smaller plated do help you eat less as we have a tendency to “fill up the plate” which only adds on more total calories for the day. 

10. Chew your food slowly – Fast talking may get you places but fast eating will only end up with you taking in more calories than what your body needs.  When we eat fast it does not allow enough time for our brain to tell our stomach it’s had enough.  By chewing more slowly, this helps you eat fewer calories and to increase the production of hormones linked to weight loss.  In addition, fast eaters are much more likely to become obese, compared to those who eat more slowly.

11. Brush your teeth after meals – To limit the desire to eat, try brushing or flossing your teeth after eating.  Most of us don’t like to eat right after brushing our teeth as it tends to make food taste bad.  By putting this step into practice, you may be less tempted to grab an unnecessary snack. 

12. Take probiotics – Probiotics are live bacteria that have health benefits when eaten.  They can improve digestive health and heart health and may even help with weight lossStudies have shown that overweight and obese people tend to have different gut bacteria than normal-weight people which could be influencing their weight.  Probiotics help regulate our healthy gut bacteria.  They may also block the absorption of dietary fat, while reducing appetite and inflammation.