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Are we taking too many over-the-counter pills?

Are we taking too many over-the-counter drugs in America? And do we even pay attention to the health risks or warnings? You may be surprise to find that it's quite possible to overdose on these types of medications, especially if you're not educated on the proper dosage. Here's what you need to know. 

The fact is even the simplest medications in your purse or desk drawer at work can be deadly. A new study published in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing gave participants boxes of medicine, both brand names and generic versions, and tasked them with listing all active ingredients and whether they could be taken at the same time. 

Across all participants, many were able to identify active ingredients in these drugs, but only those with medical expertise knew which ones were safe to combine. This results in people most likely taking way more of these over-the-counter medications than they should. For example, cough medicine has Tylenol in it, but people will sometimes pop a few pills as well as a spoonful of cough medicine. This is a major no-no. 

I'm sure many people are shocked to know that just because you don't need an Rx for these drugs, doesn't mean they shouldn't be approached and utilized with the same caution. Taking too much ibuprofen can damage the lining of the stomach, causing ulcers and stomach bleeding. If you're taking these pills for chronic pain, I highly recommend you visit your doctor and find out other solutions. 

Another thing everyone should understand is too much acetaminophen (found in Tylenol) can lead to liver disease or failure. As far as overdosing on these medications, to truly reach that point, you'd need to be ingesting several doses within a couple days of each other, if you're regularly taking them. Be sure to check in with your doctor for the right, healthy mix. 

Understanding over-the-counter medicines, their safety, proper dosage and effectiveness is  key, everyday health knowledge everyone should have.