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Fighting Tendinosis with Ultrasound

Tendinosis, sometimes called chronic tendonitis, is damage to a tendon at a cellular level. Tendinosis of the shoulder and hip affects approximately 5 million persons in the US alone every year. In the past, ultrasound imaging has be used to evaluate tissue strain, as well as other mechanical properties of the ailment. Now, ultrasound can be used to actually treat the problem.

The TX2 MicroTip is a disposable surgical instrument from U.S. company Tenex Health, Inc. that uses ultrasonic energy to specifically cut and remove targeted soft tissue. It has only just recently been given FDA approval, and is scheduled to be made available in mid-2016 as a minimally invasive out-patient solution for patients who suffer from soft tissue pain.

The TX2 MicroTip's older sibling, the TX1 MicroTip has been used by physicians for the past few years and demonstrated to be effective in treating tendinosis in a variety of body parts. The longer needle associated with the TX2 product will provide physicians the needed technology to definitively treat chronic tendonitis in the shoulder and hip. Soft tissue injuries in both of these body parts are well suited to be treated through a minimally invasive approach using the TX2 product.

Dr. Bernard Morrey, Chief Medical Officer of Tenex Health and Past-President of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons notes, "The TX1 MicroTip has enjoyed tremendous clinical success in treating over 35,000 patients in the US since its introduction in 2012. Of these patients, only a small portion have been treated with shoulder or hip tendinosis due to the inaccessibility of the deeper tissues to the TX1 MicroTip. The length and design of the TX2 MicroTip is well poised to effectively treat a large number of patients with a spectrum of conditions in these anatomic areas. We anticipate providing a favorable safety and efficacy profile to a broader group of patients using this ultrasound guided treatment."