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Do It When You Just Do Not Want To!

We may postpone our task during the day for different reasons such as frustration, tiredness, being uninterested, or just not being in the mood to do them.

However, at the same time, procrastinating our duties can make us feel stressed, guiltily and sad.  The good news is that there are a very handful techniques that can help you not to put off your tasks and start doing them before the deadline.

You put something off, because you are afraid of doing it

You may put off your task off because you are afraid you may screw it up. In this case there is not better technique than start doing what you are afraid of.

There are always two sides of a coin, you can either wire your focus on negative aspects, do nothing while the time passes and you reach your deadline, or you can start working on the project while focusing on the positive aspects of what you will gain by reaching your goal. More precisely, we can categorize these two types of thinking to promotion focus, and prevention focus.

When you have promotion mind-set, you focus on achievement and accomplishment- on how you can end up better off than you are now. As in “if I pass this exam, I will get promotion” or “if I work out regularly, I will be pleased with my appearance”.

However, in prevention focus, you are afraid of losing what you have .In other words, you start doing the task because you are afraid you may lose whatever you already have. The focus is on maintaining what you already gained instead of promoting and ending better off.

According to research, those who are prevented focused, attend to procrastinate task and feel anxious. This anxiety is one of biggest factors that prevents them from starting the task.

So, try to dire your thoughts on how you can accomplish more in your life instead of considering negative consequences.

Putting Something Off Because You Do Not Like IT

Not all tasks in life are as pleasant as we want them to be. However, at some stage you have to take action in order to achieve bigger plan. We have all heard the sentence that you have to have passion about something in order to make the best out of it. This sentence is nonsense. Of course you should have passion for your long-term goals, but there might come steps in your road, that you might not like it or may not feel like doing it. In these cases, try to think about the bigger picture. In this way, no matter how uninspired, you will start taking action and moving towards your bigger goal. With this mind-set every obstacle becomes part of the journey which eventually will lead to your happy ending.