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Spices may lower blood sugar

Almond extract. Almonds contain a high level of healthy fats. Eating a handful of almonds between meals every day can be beneficial. However, be careful because nuts can be high in calories.

Avocado extract. The main ingredient in avocados is monounsaturated fatty acids, which are the good source of fats. These have been known to improve fasting blood glucose levels and reduce insulin resistance.

Dried blueberries or blueberry extract. Blueberries are great source of antioxidants. They can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Turmeric. Turmeric has been found to reduce hemoglobin A1C levels. Turmeric is often used in Indian style dishes.

Cinnamon. Prior research suggests that whole cinnamon and cinnamon extract may significantly reduce fasting blood glucose levels. Talk to your doctor before using cinnamon because many forms of cinnamon contain blood thinning properties (warfarin).

Garlic extract. Prior research suggests that garlic extract may help reduce blood glucose levels. Garlic is typically known to reduce cholesterol.

Ginger. Ginger is known to help relieve stomach pain and aid in digestion. However, it can also help lower blood sugar. Consult with your doctor first because taking ginger and medication could cause your body’s glucose to drop dangerously low.