Use smart goals for healthy eating
Healthy eating doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a concerted effort to make it happen and one of the best ways to ensure it does is to set SMART goals. SMART stands for goals that are: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-framed. When we set SMART goals it points in the right direction keeping us focused and on track for following a healthy way of eating.
Here are 10 healthy eating goals to work on with a SMART goal idea to use to make it more likely to happen:
1. Eat breakfast each morning
SMART goal: Every day this week, I will eat breakfast that has 4 food groups – 100% whole wheat toast, peanut butter and banana slices with a glass of milk.
2. Increase fiber
SMART goal: I will substitute brown rice or whole wheat pasta for white rice or white pasta at least once this week.
3. Increase vegetables
SMART goal: I will choose a dark green vegetable every day this week – spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, turnips greens.
4. Eat more meals at home
SMART goal: I will plan out at least 3 three evening meals to have at home and make one new recipe for dinner this week.
5. Try cooking a meatless meal
SMART goal: I will try a new recipe using beans this week.
6. Eat out less often at lunchtime
SMART goal: I will pack my lunch from home at least 3 times this week rather than eating out.
7. Increase physical activity
SMART goal: I will go on a brisk walk for 30 minutes at least 3 times this week.
8. Improve weight management
SMART goal: I will use a plate no larger than 9 inches to reduce my portion sizes.
9. Use healthier cooking methods
SMART goal: Use healthier cooking methods of baking, broiling, steaming, or stir-frying at least 4 times this week
10. Make healthier beverage choices
SMART goal: I will reduce my sugary beverage intake to no more than 1 a week and replace the rest with water.