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How Sugar Affects Your Hormones

We have some work to do when it comes to ending the seemingly never-ending cycle of sugar cravings as well as nutrient deficiency. The average American consumes approximately one third of a pound of sugar each day, translating into nearly 130 pounds of sugar per person every year. As a nation sugar usage exceeds 9 million tons a year. But what are the results of us consuming all this sugar? Well, believe it or not, sugar also affects our hormones and a woman's menstrual period. Here's why.

Sugar and refined carbs disrupt your blood sugar function by spiking insulin and desensitizing you to your appetite-controlling hormones ghrelin and leptin. Through unhealthy food choices, like drinking alcohol or eating white bread, we tend to experience premenstrual syndrome if more of these foods are eaten. 

Sugar also disrupts ovulation and can make your cycles irregular. Sugar and refined carbs create inflammation in the gut and disrupt the microbiota, making you a poor absorber of vitamins and minerals. All of this makes keeping a healthy weight impossible.

Sugar is nearly impossible and unnecessary to remove completely from ones diet. Sugar is naturally found in most foods, however avoidance of refined process sugar is key to a healthier lifestyle. Try to decrease the number of steps between the original food source and your table. For instance instead of eating candy when craving something sweet, choose a piece of fruit. Fruit is a natural source of sugar paired with fiber, which will keep you full longer and improve digestion.  

A reduced-sugar diet has many benefits including weight loss, reduction in risk for diabetes, and decreased risk of heart disease.  A new study actually found that switching out just one sugary soda per day for water, or unsweetened coffee or tea – could lower the risk for type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, by 25%.  The findings are based on detailed food diaries from over 25,000 middle-aged and older British adults.  When the study started all participants were diabetes-free, but almost 1000 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by study end.  Overall, the study found that the more sugary soda people consumed, the higher their risk of developing diabetes. There was an increased risk of diabetes by about 22% for every extra daily serving.

Sugar is one of the biggest roadblocks to you receiving the benefits of micronutrients. It literally blocks them from being absorbed. 

Sugar depletes calcium, magnesium, chromium and copper. Becoming deficient in these vitamins and essential minerals can be dangerous. Vitamin C is also affected by sugar because they share similar chemical structures. Vitamin C and glucose compete for entry into the cells. Just slightly elevated blood sugar levels can block vitamin C from entering which causes a weakened immune system.