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4 Ways to Stay Hydrated This Summer

Hydration is a pivotal and often overlooked part of our overall health. This could perhaps come from the confusion about how much water to drink each day. But nevertheless, it's important to be mindful of your daily water intake. 

The Institute of Medicine recently update its recommendation for water intake in 2004. The adequate intake for adults 19 and older is 2.7 liters daily for women (11 cups) and 3.7 liters for men (16 cups) for the U.S. They don't simply refer to plain water but total fluid intake including coffee and tea. About 20% of our daily water needs to come from fruits, vegetables, meats and other foods. 

The key is to stay well hydrated, especially the summer months and as temperatures get hotter. Here are 4 tips. 

1. Replace soda with water: Stay well hydrated by avoiding soda. Drinking at least 8 (8 oz.) glasses of water each day can help your body to flush out toxins and stay clear. Drinking enough water also helps with proper digestion. Use water to burn fat even when you work out. Hold a bottle of water while running can help you lose a few more pounds. A study showed that holding a bottle of water increased endurance.

2. Try our summer drink of choice, Watermelon Juice: This summer, there's a new fruit in town, and that's watermelon. Well, okay, it's not new but we're learning more and more about its health benefits. And very few people think to pour themselves a glass of watermelon juice. Let's explore. For starters, watermelons are mostly water —about 92% to be exact. Most people love the refreshing qualities but it's also packed with nutrients. There are significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C along with lycopene, which is a huge fighter of inflammation, antioxidants and amino acids. 

3. Always carry a water bottle: Especially for those who sit at a desk for the most of the day, where this is easy, carrying a water bottle will help you be mindful of your water intake. If a water bottle is within arms reach, it's likely you'll mindlessly sip from it throughout the day without have to make  a conscious effort. 

4. Eat whole foods: If you eat water-rish foods like vegetables, fruits and yogurt, you'll increase your fluid intake. Avoid processed snack foods like chips, crackers and baked goods to have the opposite effect.