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Vitamin Supplements – Friend or Foe?

Vitamin supplements – worth it or not?  On the one hand, vitamins are our ally
as they are essential for good health and to keep us alive yet they can be our
adversary turning into toxic chemicals doing significant damage when taken in

Chances are all of us have ingested a vitamin supplement at some point in
our lives, and nearly half of U.S. adults continue to do so today.  But why?  Is our
food supply deficient in vitamins?  What are the real health benefits of taking
supplements and how much do we really know about vitamins? 

I was inspired to write this article after reading the book “Vitamania: Our
Obsessive Quest for Nutritional Perfection” written by journalist Catherine

This research-based publication takes the reader on an educational journey
starting from the history of these vital micronutrients to the reasons behind why
so many of us put more faith in popping a pill or downing a vitamin-charged drink
than eating real food.  

To understand if vitamins taken in a supplement form is a good idea, let’s first focus on the questions that will aid in a well-informed decision.   

What are vitamins? 

Vitamins are organic compounds, meaning they come from living substances (plants and animals) and contain carbon.  They are vital to life, needed only in tiny amounts and they contain no calories.  Their main role is to facilitate chemical reactions in our bodies to keep us alive.  There are a total of 13 vitamins necessary for human health.  

What is a dietary supplement? 

According to the definition by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to add further nutritional value to (supplement) the diet.

A “dietary ingredient” may be one or any combination, of  the following substances:  a vitamin, a mineral, an herb or other botanical, an
amino acid, or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, or extract.  

Can dietary supplements replace food?  

Thankfully no.  Taking pill forms of vitamins will only provide what is stated on the label of the bottle.  Dietary supplements were never intended to replace food.  

But there were two important discoveries made in the early twentieth century that has propelled the vitamin supplement industry into the billion dollar business it is today. 

One, as vitamins were being discovered, the realization was made that many diseases people suffered from were actually vitamin deficiency diseases and now they could be treated and prevented entirely. 

Second, by the 1930’s, scientists were able to synthesize vitamins in labs and put them in a pill form.  Once this happened, consumers rushed to buy them not only to prevent nutritional deficiencies but also in hopes of better health.  

Who are people who may need to take a dietary supplement? 

There are certain situations where a person may need to rely on a supplement.  Here is a list of people who may need a supplement:

•    People with nutritional deficiencies
•    Women in their childbearing years, pregnant and breast-feeding women
•    Infants
•    Habitual dieters
•    The elderly
•    People addicted to drugs and alcohol
•    People recovering from a prolonged illness or injury
•    Strict vegetarians
•    Anyone with a disease where they don’t absorb nutrients properly,
•    Anyone taking medications that interfere with the body’s use of nutrients. 

If a person does not fall into any of the above categories, they most likely can forgo supplements.  In all cases, it is important to have an open dialogue with your
physician about your current use of supplements and future personal considerations.  

Are dietary supplements regulated by the FDA?  

Yes and no.  Supplements are treated differently than prescription or over-the-counter drugs by the FDA.  Dietary supplements do not require premarket review or approval by the FDA like drugs do. 

They do, however, need evidence stating their products are safe and the label claims are truthful and not misleading.  But, the supplement can be marketed to the public without providing evidence of safety to the FDA beforehand. 

They are permitted to have health-related claims on their label, such as “supports heart health” but such a claim must be followed by the words, “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”  If a supplement is found to be unsafe or if supplement companies are making false or deceptive statements or promoting their product as treatments or cures for diseases, the FDA can take legal action to remove the product from the marketplace.  

How effective are vitamin supplements?  

It depends.  If you do have a vitamin deficiency, a vitamin supplement will help you, in addition to eating rich food sources, to correct the deficiency.  They can also be useful in managing some health conditions such as taking folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defects or vitamin D in reducing bone loss. 

For most people who eat a nutritious diet, adding a supplement is not necessary.  In fact, many food companies either enrich or fortify their products with vitamins and minerals, so most of us are already being supplemented without our own doing.   

Vitamins A and D added to milk and the B vitamins added to numerous bread products or breakfast cereals are just a few that come to mind.  Given such widespread use of vitamin supplements, several studies have begun to question their effectiveness.

Researchers from John Hopkins University in Baltimore reported in the Annals of
Internal Medicine that “most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, 
their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.”

Are there safety risks in taking a supplement? 

 Definitely.  One of the problems is the more-is-better philosophy.  We all have a tendency to want to dose ourselves with just a little more in hopes that we’ll be healthier in the long run.   

Taking a vitamin supplement at or around 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) should be fine.  But taking above and beyond what the RDA states, there can be unexpected side effects.  

For example, taking vitamins E and C while being treated with chemotherapy, can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.  Taking a high dose vitamin A supplement while pregnant can increase the likelihood of birth defects along with causing headaches and liver damage.  

What are the demographics of people who take vitamin supplements?

In a Gallup poll conducted in 2013, there were some eye-opening data collected to see who regularly takes vitamin supplements.

Older Americans lead the pack.  More than fifty percent of 50-64-year-olds and a solid 68% of seniors take a daily supplement.  Only one-third of 18-29-year-olds buy supplements.  

Education and income play a role in determining supplement use.  The more college education you have, the more likely you take a supplement.  Fifty-six percent of people with household incomes of $90,000 or more per year have an increased usage of supplements.   

Who is more likely to use supplements, men or women?  Women, with 54% taking a supplement compared to 46% of men.  

In conclusion 

Bottom line, vitamin supplements can be useful and necessary in certain situations.  However the vast majority of healthy people do not need to add these complements to their daily routine. 

Taking a vitamin supplement won’t make up for a poor diet.  Our bodies want us to eat food and it will always absorb the nutrients from food much better than it will from a supplement. 

Eating a variety of healthy food will provide all the vitamins humans require in addition to other important substances such as phytochemicals that vitamin supplements don’t contain.  Besides, I’ve never tasted a vitamin supplement that tasted anywhere near as good as food.