Health Benefits of Bananas
Bananas are a favorite fruit among many, but the benefits go well beyond this tasty yellow snack. For those who love bananas, they are known to lower blood pressure, and boost sexual performance. Bananas also help your body get rid of excess water weight, minimizing your stomach area. The biggest health benefit of bananas, however, comes from its high potassium content. This yellow fruit boasts, 400 milligrams per serving.
Potassium is one of the most important and essential dietary minerals the body needs. What does it do? It helps balance the body's pH and body fluids. Eating bananas helps prevent muscle cramping, and helps repair muscles and replace tissue after work outs. It's also a critical regulator for blood pressure (it works in opposition to sodium). It's also required for normal muscle growth, nervous system and brain function. According to the Institute of Medicine, the average person should consume about 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day.
The banana fruit isn’t the only thing beneficial in a banana. The entire banana is useful and full of nutrients Believe it or not, eating banana peels can help you lose weight. Nutritionists are touting banana peels as the new weight loss super food. Now maybe you're not into eating the banana peel in its natural state, but guess what? You can throw the peel whole in your smoothie along with the whole fruit, which will add creaminess. So why are peels the new superfood? Read on.
To start, the skins are packed with nutrients like vitamin A, lutein and other antioxidants that fight inflammation including B vitamins, which the body needs to keep the metabolism burning. Banana peels also possess a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber, even more than the fruit itself which slow digestion and boost feelings of fullness, working to lower cholesterol.
The green peels are the most optimal for cooking and you'll also consume a lot of probiotics which help the body lose weight. 40% of potassium found in bananas is found in the peel. Research also shows that the green skins are high in tryptophan, serotonin and dopamine. So what about the yellow peels? While there's no doubt they have less micronutrients, they have anti-cancer properties that green skins do not. Overripe skins help produce white blood cells.
Banana Health Benefits:
· No fat
· No cholesterol
· Keeps digestive tract healthy
· Lowers blood pressure
· Rich in vitamin B6
· Promotes nutrient absorption
· High in potassium
· Improves bone health
· Helps in cancer prevention