Could Your Intense Exercise Be Putting Your Life at Risk?
There are a few things that are promoted in life to enhance health where few arguments are raised against it. Exercise is one of these. But, what may be forgotten about is that wise advice about everything should be in moderation.
There could be an occasion where exercise just might not be the best things for your health. This could apply when the exercise being carried out is classed as intense exercise.
There are many different forms of exercise. Also, people approach it in different ways. Some, when they are first starting out do so with such enthusiasm that they may over do it, not realizing that their body is not prepared for this. This could lead to a condition called rhabdomyolysis.
This is a condition that can occur because an injury has taken place to a muscle/s in the body. What happens with this condition is that some of the fibers of a muscle are so badly damaged that they die andtheir muscle components enter the blood stream. When this happens it can affect the kidneys and in some rare cases this can be so severe that it can lead to death. If the individual being affected gets the proper medical care as quickly as possible a full recovery can be made. This condition does not just occur specifically as a result of intensive exercise as there can be several other causes.
The health of your kidneys is extremely important to the overall functioning of your body. There are many different conditions that can affect them, but when it is possible to avoid something that does then it is well worth being aware of it.
Depending on which muscles have been affected the symptoms can include pain and stiffness and perhaps swelling. There may be muscle weakness, and because the kidneys are being affected the urine may be dark and brown in color.
The treatment for this condition most often requires hospitalization where intravenous fluids are used along with medications to help the kidneys and prevent damage to other organs as a result of the problems that are occurring with the kidney.
Exercise The Right Way
Exercise should never be avoided because of fear of developing Rhabdomyolysis but awareness of a problem like this will make one realize that exercise has to be done in a proper manner. Any exercise should be started slowly and the intensity of it increased as the body becomes use to it. Often there is the misconception that exercise is only going to deliver its greatest benefits if it is intense. Yet, new information is coming forward that low intensity workouts can have some great rewards and it can be done by almost anyone without putting themselves at risk of injury from over exercising or doing the wrong type of exercise.
If you really want to get the most from exercise then learning the basics about it can really help you to be exercise savvy. Knowing how to determine what your intensity is will be a great starting point.
The potential benefits of exercise far outweigh the potential aspects if the correct exercise is chosen and one educates themselves about it. For men and women it not only keeps them in great shape physically it can be excellent for enhancing prostate health.