Help your arteries age gracefully
Aging arteries. We are unable to see, feel or really tell how well our arteries are withstanding the test of time, but as we age, our arteries do so also. Over the years and especially past the age of 50, our arteries can go from being supple and pliable to becoming more rigid and stiff. This inflexibility is usually from plaque buildup and calcification which can significantly raise our risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease. But, thanks to a recent study published in Hypertension, it does not look to be too late to reverse course as healthy vascular or blood vessel aging may be possible even for people 70 and older. Luckily, there are certain lifestyle factors we each can practice to slow down the effects of aging arteries.
What the study focused on
Maintaining healthy arteries throughout our lives may have big payoffs. Since it is rare for individuals living in the Western world to have healthy arteries past the age of 50, the aim of this new study was to focus on people with healthy arteries to begin with. What were they doing to keep their arteries young and flexible?
The researchers checked how peoples’ arteries were aging at the start of the study by looking at their blood pressure and pulse wave velocity, which is a marker of artery stiffness. If a person did not have hypertension and a pulse wave velocity of a 20-30 year old (less than 7.6 meters per second), they were considered to have healthy vascular aging.
But if they had a pulse wave velocity which was fast, that indicated they had stiff and aging arteries. Having slow pulse waves is preferred since this means a person’s arteries are soft and elastic, essentially young.
Anti-aging secrets for arteries
An interesting finding from the study was that genetics did not seem to play a role in stiffening our arteries. Primarily, what appeared to be the driving factor in helping our arteries to remain youthful was living a healthy lifestyle.
To help assess a person’s lifestyle, the participants in the study took the American Heart Association’s “Life’s Simple 7” test. This test focuses on seven aspects of a heart-healthy lifestyle. If a person scores six of the goals listed, they were 10 times more likely to have healthy vascular aging compared to people who met none of only one of the goals. The seven Life’s Simple steps included the following:
1. Lose weight if overweight
2. Reduce blood sugar
3. Eat better
4. Be physically active
5. Manage blood pressure
6. Control your cholesterol
7. Avoid smoking
The scientists with the study found that the two most important modifiable risk factors associated with healthy vascular aging were maintaining a healthy body weight and avoiding type 2 diabetes. But the more of the steps one practices regularly, the greater likelihood of keeping your arteries from premature aging.
Takeaway message
Even though time marches on and each of us will age, we can at the very least age gracefully and that includes our arteries too. The best time to begin thinking of how well our arteries are aging is when we are young but it is never too late to begin adopting the steps necessary from the Life’s Simple 7 to slow down vascular aging.
Just knowing that it is never too late to reach the healthy benefits of doing what it takes to maintain youthful arteries, should squelch any excuses you have for not trying to improve your arteries starting today.