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7 Ways to Pamper Yourself Post-Migraine

Those who suffer from severe headaches, known as migraines, understand just how hard it can hit everyday life. A migraine is defined as a headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. It's a type of headache that's localized in a certain region of the head and also sometimes accompanied by a massive sensitivity to light and sound. 

Some of the main symptoms include nausea and vomiting and are usually gradually start, progressively more painful and in turn undergoes a gradual resolution. Sometimes, migraines can be mild to moderate, where patients describe a feeling of dullness, deepness and steadiness. A more severe migraine is more a feeling of throbbing or pulsating. 

Migraines are more common in women than men and considered a chronic condition and some experience them as frequent as several times a week. Migraines typically onset early in the morning and can also begin during sleep. 

Risk Factors for Migraines

Risk factors for migraines can be rooted in genetics. More studies are underway and needed to understand the genetic undertones in the development of migraines. If you're immediate family members suffer, you're most likely at risk. 

Triggers for migraines include:

  • Hunger 
  • Drinking alcohol (especially red wine)
  • Eating foods high in MSG, or high in caffeine (coffee, tea, colas) 
  • Menstrual period
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Stress in your work and personal life
  • Factors in the environment, such as glaring lights, strong smells, weather changes or high altitude

7 Ways to Pamper Yourself Post-Migraine

Laugh more: It's important to feel relieved and focus on positivity after a migraine, especially because the symptoms can really inhibit your everyday activities. No matter what you decide to do, take advantage of relaxation and focusing on a healing period before you go back to your everyday life.  

Book a Spa Day: A massage could really help relieve some of the residual tension in your joints and muscles. Even enjoying other amenities of a spa like the sauna, relaxation room and whirlpools can help relax your body, both physically and mentally, and help repair from the effects of a migraine. 

Meditate: Brief meditation sessions will most likely leave you feeling good. Research indicated that mindfulness meditation can reduce anxiety and pain, and the process may have lasting effects on how our bodies manage stress. 

Get Out: If you love gardening, or going for a run, now's the time to also help repair your body and get used to your favorite everyday activities. A little physical activity will help repair the effects of a migraine as well. A simple task like gardening can help reduce stress —a small study showed a 30-minute gardening session was more stress-reducing than a half-hour reading session. 

Tackle your tasks: Focusing on one or two of your to-dos could be very satisfying, especially since a migraine can leave you incapacitated for the duration. Feeling like you accomplished something you had wanted to do will help but don't overdo it to add to stress levels. 

Go for a walk: Most likely, if you've had a migraine, you were cooped up in the house. Get some fresh air but taking a brisk walk. You'll get your heart rate up and feel relieved and refreshed to go back to your normal life. 

Cook: Trying a new recipe and cooking a delicious meal is a great way to treat yourself. Crack open a new a cookbook and try something with an ingredient you've never tried like chia seeds.