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7 Signs of Stroke

Nearly 1 in 20 deaths in the United States are from a stroke each year. Over 130,000 people die each year and understanding the signs of a stroke could help alleviate this effect.

When a stroke occurs, the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives tissue in the bran of oxygen and nutrients. Within a few minutes, brain cells will begin to die. This is called an ischemic stroke, which account for 87% of all strokes. 

The Signs of Stroke

1. Hard to See

  • Many people are unaware that vision problems are highly associated with a potential stroke. Double or blurry vision is usually what someone may experience. 

2. Balancing 

  • If a stroke is occurring, balance can become an issue. Some people begin to lose their balance and feel shaky.

3. Speech Impairment

  • Difficulty speaking is a common sign of a stroke. Confusing words, slurred words, trouble speaking are all signs. In the midst of a conversation, some people get confused and may not even realize they're having a stroke.

4. Feeling Weak

  • Many people may develop weakness in their arms or legs, and in some cases as extreme as some forms of paralysis. It's important to know the stroke usually is happening on the opposite side of your brain than the limb that becomes weak.

5. Facial Paralysis

  • One of the most common symptoms of a stroke, if you face begins to tighten or you lose a sense of feeling in your cheeks, this could be a sure-sign a stroke has begun. One side of the face may sag and visually looks completely different from the opposite side.

6. Severe Headaches

  • A severe headache is a symptom that has commonly shown more in women than men. Those who typically have migraines are more at risk for experiencing this symptom if a stroke occurs. If a sudden headache comes on that makes you feel dizzy, this could mean a stroke is on the way.

7. Losing Your Senses

  • Of your five-senses, you may begin to lose function in hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching. Everything from the smallest change in your senses to complete dysfunction, could be a sign of a stroke.